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A Simple Guide to the Housing Market Cycle

Housing Market Cycle

As an investor in the housing market or a dealer, you need to keep track of the changing market both on the scales of macro and microeconomics. The real estate market is the most stagnant market where certain situations can exist for a more extended period and is also the highest investment market.

The housing market cycle affects the real estate market in the most ways possible. The real estate cycle is directly related to the country’s changing economy. However, you cannot assume a single factor is responsible for real estate growth. 

What is a Real Estate Cycle?

It refers to the four phases of real estate that mark the beginning of a specific phase in the market till the stage ends. These four phases are:

Reasons for a Real Estate Cycle

Like any other economic activity, various reasons affect the housing market, resulting in the cycle. However, there are few valid causes responsible for the cycle.

By looking at the current scenario, today’s housing market is in the expansion phase. And with the continued expansion of real estate, rising skylines, and increasing supply for demand, it has already entered the hyper-supply phase. Thus, investments must be made keeping the value, returns, and housing needs in mind.