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How to Boost Job Satisfaction and Find Meaning in Your Role?

Boost Job Satisfaction

They say a perfect partner and a perfect job are among the hardest things to find. You win some and you lose some. 

In the case of a career, it’s easy to find yourself dreading it even if it’s your dream job. Longing for the weekend, losing interest in your job, and procrastination are some of the signs you’re unhappy or unfulfilled in general. Quitting or changing jobs is not always a feasible option either.

Let’s answer these questions and help you break free from the pain and anguish. 

You’re Not Alone | Boost Job Satisfaction 

It’s difficult to feel inspired or excited about anything these days let alone your job. Every other person has experienced this form of existential crisis over these two years. The rapidly spreading and deadly COVID illness, the economic crisis, and civil and political turmoil ripping the peace of the society, all are factors slowly eating away our peace Test.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t rekindle when work has lost its purpose. After all, nothing gives you more energy than a clear purpose. Without one, it’s hard to get out of bed and work.

So how to tackle this feeling? Experts say there are lots of ways to find purpose. Check some of these ideas:

Find the Root Cause 

You must address the root causes of this feeling. One of the most likely causes is stress. On a typical workday, you face hundreds of “micro-stresses” such as a chatty colleague who distracts you from work or a missed deadline. Normally, such stresses are bearable Boost Job Satisfaction.

But in a pandemic, such stresses compound especially when you’re unable to release them by working out, visiting a friend, grabbing coffee at your favorite cafe.

In this situation, you must look for alternative ways to uplift yourself. Watch funny cat videos, facetime a friend, take a walk in the park, or watch a motivational video.

Find a Balance 

It’s critical to maintain a healthy lifestyle balance. If all you do is work, you will lose your ability to give your 100%. As a result, you will keep losing motivation. Boost Job Satisfaction The first step in maintaining balance in your lifestyle is to assess your existing lifestyle and determine which areas are out of harmony.

In addition to your professional duties, do you give enough time to your relationships, hobbies, yourself? your sleep and others? If not, it’s time to prioritize things otherwise, you will start losing motivation and might as well develop hatred for your job.

Reflect on Your Values

Think about what you care about and what drives you. How are spending your time at work? How are you contributing your skills to develop a talent acquisition strategy for your company? How is your role affecting the performance of the business? Take some time to self-reflect.

Ask yourself what are your values are. What contributions do you want to work towards? How does the work you do affects others? This doesn’t mean you have to cure diseases or save other people’s lives for making your work meaningful. 

Simply reflect on the problems your organization is solving and how the work you do is a contribution towards the solution. Every job in this world has a meaning. You just have to connect the dots to find what’s yours. 

Help Others at Work

Don’t think completing your daily KPIs is enough? then, start helping others. Making extra efforts to assist clients or coworkers can boost your job satisfaction and make your work feel more relevant. Ask your manager to assign you an additional task? Or perhaps start mentoring a colleague.

Practice Gratitude

It might sound corny but changing your perspective about things always makes a difference.

The well-known psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, Viktor Frankl believed that people can find meaning in life even when they’re in a hopeless situation (or in a situation that feels like it).

If All Fails, Consider a Career Change 

Sometimes, the lack of motivation and loss of purpose in work is a sign to switch jobs or careers.

Whatever you do, don’t make a rash decision based on your current mood. Don’t jump from the role of a recruiter in a mortgage staffing agency to become an influencer. 

No one makes good decisions when they’re stressed out. Hold on if you’re thinking about quitting. The job market isn’t exactly booming. You could be absolutely positive about your decision but sometimes, it’s best to wait for the crisis to pass to make a jump. Until then, try weathering the storm and see what you can do about improving your situation.

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