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Check Your Vehicle Before You Hit the Road for Adventure

You’ve got an exciting road trip planned, but before you set out you must check your car’s tire pressure and make sure all of your emergency supplies are in order. Don’t wait until you’re on the road to discover that your car isn’t running the way it should. Before taking any long drives, it’s crucial to make sure your vehicle is in tip-top shape, from the engine to the tires and everything in between. 

You don’t want to find out halfway through your road trip that you have a flat tire or that your radiator needs to be replaced. Take your vehicle to a service station that specializes in cars like Pedders. They are experts in automotive suspension and under-car components, offering a wide selection to fit your vehicle, so they can check If there are any problems with your car and make sure it’s ready for the road. Then, check these off your list before you hit the open road:

Check your tire pressures

The first thing you should do is check your tire pressure. This can be done with a simple pen and paper, or even just by looking at the outside of your car. You will need to make sure they are at the recommended levels so that you don’t have any accidents while driving on the road.

The tires should be checked every time you fill up with gas, as well. You can find the recommended tire pressures on the side of your vehicle’s door or in your owner’s manual. If you don’t have either available, check online or at a local auto shop for help.

Check your tires for cuts and wear

You want to make sure that you have a good set of tires on your car, so it’s worth checking them out before you leave. You can do this by looking at the tread depth and sidewall of each tire (the rubber part around a wheel). You should also check when was last replaced, how many miles it has done, and if there are any cracks or bulges in the base layer where one side of a tire meets another piece of rubber underneath it.

Check the condition of your shock absorbers

Shock absorbers are like springs that absorb the impact of bumps in the road and keep tires in contact with it. Without these shocks, your tires would bounce up and down during braking or acceleration, which could cause damage to them over time. Think about how much energy it takes to lift yourself off a bed. The correct inflation pressure is also important, if it’s not set correctly, then there’s more chance of tire wear due to excess movement caused by incorrect inflation levels.

Check wheel alignment

Checking your car’s wheel alignment is one of the most important things to do before heading on a road trip. It will help you avoid any accidents and ensure that your car is performing at its best when you need it most. Before starting, make sure your tires are inflated to their recommended pressure (usually around 35 psi), as this can drastically affect how well they grip the road surface. If they’re under-inflated, then they’ll be less able to absorb bumps in the road or even prevent them from happening at all!

Make sure that all four wheels are aligned correctly using a diagnostic tool such as a centering gauge or ruler; if there are any shifts in position between two different parts of each wheel, such as one side being higher than another, then this could cause problems with handling while driving over uneven terrain or other obstacles such as potholes or gravel bits on roadsides.

Check the exhaust system for leaks or corrosion

Leaks can cause a lot of damage to your vehicle and make it difficult to drive, so it’s important to check this part carefully before going on a road trip. If you see any cracks in the pipe or any other signs of damage, you should have a professional repair shop look at it first before continuing with your journey.

This may seem obvious, but still worth mentioning here because sometimes objects like leaves or twigs can get stuck in your exhaust system and cause problems later down the line when you’re driving down a highway at high speeds, or even just driving around town. 

If there are any issues with this area related to debris buildup, then take some time out now so that nothing gets caught up in there while traveling through areas where there isn’t much room available between cars on either side of yours!

Check your spare tire

It’s a good idea to check your spare tire pressure and condition before you set off. It’s a good idea to check your spare tire pressure and condition before you set off. If it’s low, you can inflate it using the spare tire inflator kit included in most vehicles. If your spare is damaged or flat, get a new one from your local auto shop or dealer!

Make sure you take regular breaks while on your trip 

Taking regular breaks is crucial to a safe road trip. It’s important to remember that, while you might be in the car with some relaxation music and your favorite podcast playing throughout the drive, your body needs rest as well. 

If you’re driving for more than 3 hours at once without taking breaks or getting off the road for short periods like bathroom breaks, then it’s recommended that you find somewhere else to stretch out like a gas station or rest area where people are likely congregating around trucks with air conditioning units running full blast.


As you can see, there are many things to consider when planning a road trip. Some of these items may seem more important than others, but we hope that by listing them all here you now have a good idea of what needs to be checked and bring your car to Pedders before setting out on your next adventure! We hope you have a fun and safe trip!