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What coffee shop supplies do I need while starting out?

Coffee shop supplies wholesale

The list of all apparatus and appliances you need for starting your first coffee shop can be a bit hard to manage when you’re starting out. While making the list, you’ll find yourself losing out on some items. Here is a list of all coffee shop supplies you should try to buy wholesale:

Coffee grinders

Grinding is a very important part of the coffee-making procedure. The smoothness and overall taste highly depend on it. If you need to cut out your budget, don’t do it with the coffee grinders. This is because a low-quality coffee grinder can make an expensive pack of coffee taste bad but a good coffee grinder can significantly hold up the taste of average quality coffee beans. Note that you’ll need one grinder for espresso, one for filter, and another if you plan to make decaf or flavored coffee shop supplies wholesale.

Drip coffee makers

The majority of coffee shop goers (about 30%) order plain drip coffee. The quality of the drip coffee you offer must be palatable. Here are some tips for buying drip coffee makers from coffee shop supplies wholesale :

The Espresso Machine

Apart from the coffee beans themselves, the grinder and espresso are the two main appliances that determine the taste of the cup of served coffee. You should evaluate your business goals before buying one. A semi-automatic or a manual machine will work best if you want quality. Totally automatic machines leave almost no tasks to the coffee chef but the coffee served will be devoid of human touch. Lastly, make sure that the espresso machine you buy can produce the volume of coffee your shop needs.

The coffee roaster

If your business model also roasts coffee in-the-house, you’ll be needing a coffee roaster. Even though coffee roasters are costly, they are a good investment when considered in the long run. Roasting your coffee on the spot gives you complete control over its taste. But do note that the investment for a brand new coffee roaster is significant and it will take a while before that investment turns profitable. So if you’re looking to spend less, a second-hand or a refurbished roaster will be a great collection in your coffee shop.

The water filter

The quality of water also determines the overall taste of the coffee you serve. This is why you need a good water filtration system in your café. Coffee shop supplies wholesale you need to distill the water to be used in coffee-making first and then add whatever minerals you want.


Although you’ll be mostly serving warm beverages, you have to buy a fridge to store milk, cold brew, and cold beverages (if any). If you plan to keep food on the menu, a larger refrigerator is needed. You’ll also need to buy a commercial ice machine for adding ice to beverages.

Storage solutions

No matter what line of business you’re in, you need storage spaces. Even though you need very little storage space to sell coffee, a proper shelve should be established to store roasted coffee, paper cups, lids, and dishes.

POS System

The point of sale system is used by almost every large, medium, and small business. You should select one that is effortless to use and has a simple interface. A POS system will help you track your existing stock. You can make its use to refill it to keep crisis away.

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