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Documents Required to Get a Credit Card

Documents Required to Get a Credit Card

Credit cards are an amazing financial tool, but they can also be the most dangerous. If you’re new to credit cards and want to start building your credit score, or if you’re looking for some tips on what do you need to apply for a credit card, this is the article for you! 

Basic documents

Income and employment details

In order to get a credit card, you have to prove that you have enough income and employment history of paying off your balance each month. This is called “income verification.”

You’ll need: proof of employment (your most recent paycheck stub); proof of income from other sources (for example, if you are self-employed or receive alimony payments).

If the company wants more information about your employment or income history—or if they don’t believe what they see on paper—they may ask for additional documentation.

Proof of permanent address

You will also need to provide proof of your permanent address. The most common way to do this is by providing a letter from one of the following companies:

A letter of consent

You must provide a letter of consent from your employer and/or a bank confirming that you are employed and have an income. The amount of income required varies depending on your age and credit history, but most applicants must provide at least three months’ worth of pay stubs or bank statements to prove their earnings. If you are self-employed, you need to supply additional information, such as business plan documents and tax returns.

According to experts like SoFi, “Getting your first credit card is a big step in the direction of financial independence.” The documents required for a credit card vary depending on the bank you choose. However, it’s great to keep in mind that every bank will want proof of your identity, address, and income before issuing you a credit card.