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How to get 500k Plays on Blogs and YouTube?

How to get 500k Plays on Blogs and YouTube ? Are you wondering why some of your tracks don’t appear on the same number of channels or blogs as more prominent producers?

It was my group’s experience several years ago. We would spend a lot of time making songs that we believed were fantastic. We were unsure why we weren’t being featured in any of the blogs or channels.

How to get 500k Plays on Blogs and YouTube?

We then tried one central technique that transformed everything. It enabled us to get more than 500k views in just six months. It also helped us get on various blogs and channels that have thousands of subscribers. If you want to increase your subscribers for your channel, YouTube likes, and want to get free YouTube marketing services, then be sure to check out GoViral.

This method was created by using to create an Email List. I will present the most effective way of accessing a myriad of blogs and music channels on the internet.

Let me now warn you upfront…

Creating an effective Blog Email list isn’t an easy task. To achieve the best results, you must make an effort to put in the effort. It might seem like an overwhelming task initially, but once you witness a multitude of websites and channels post your music, you’ll undoubtedly be happy for the effort to get it done.

Step 1. The List includes everything

The secret to this strategy is to build a massive list of contact information. The more extensive your list of contacts will increase the chances that you’ll be featured. Your list should contain YouTube channels, music blogs, and social media channels well-organized and ready when you’re prepared for your next hit song.

Start using Google Docs or Excel Sheet.

We initially built our email list using Mac Notes, and let me proceed to save you energy… Don’t do THIS!

I recommend using Google Docs as you’ll be able to access it whenever you travel. One of the benefits is the ability to transfer the document to your friend, and both of you can modify it and add your edits in real-time without loosing or messing up the same improvements. Ensuring that you have all your contacts in order will be a vital element of maintaining a high-quality list. A well-organized list of references helps you to understand your contacts better as you’ll be able to view their website presence across all channels.

These are the only organizational skills you’ll require to make your spreadsheet. It is possible to use color for your spreadsheet to appear more organized.


Hypem or Hype Machine is a website that tracks over 800 blogs about music for those who aren’t sure. They also have a built-in voting system that ranks the most popular songs uploaded by blogs.

The greater the number of “hearts” a song gets, the more exposed your track.

Hype Machine is like Reddit and Google to help music sites.

I’ll demonstrate how you can use this site to get top-quality contacts and give your music lots of exposure!

Collect like your life depends on it!

The first place to look is with the blog directory. It is where they archive the hand-picked 806 blogs they have on their network.

You can sort them according to the country or by genre. After you’ve selected the genre or tag, you can open any of them and then click the link.

Five blogs are opened in different tabs to enable you to move from one to the next quickly. Find all their URLs and then go to the next one.

Typically, you can get the email address from the contact page or the about page. Social links are usually in the sidebar or header.

All-day long, I’m not the most exciting thing… It’s a fact, I am sure of it!

It’s a good idea to accumulate 25-50 contacts every day, so when it’s time to drop your next track, you have 1,000 blog contacts waiting to be submitted.


I don’t believe there are enough people who do not use YouTube to stream music nowadays.

More music streaming channels are available on YouTube than on any other website. If you could get onto one from them, you’ll do pretty well.)

The most significant aspect of YouTube is that it offers an abundance of opportunities to share your music, not just through music-sharing sites. Many YouTubers are creating all sorts of content and would appreciate some free music on their channel.

If you could have your music played on T.V. to get exposure for free, would you? ?…So Why not put your song on YouTube.

Discover the channels

A simple YouTube search for “Electronic Music Channel” can bring you to hundreds of channels that are available through YouTube. These channels are always searching for the latest and greatest music to broadcast; the key is getting their interest.

Once you have found an online channel that you wish to feature on, you must find the contact details of the channel. It is common to find their email address on the “About” tab.

Sometimes, channels will send their email address on their channel. Another option is to look for their website. If they do not have a website and don’t have a social media account, then looking at their other social media will be your next option.

Even if they don’t have a contact email, as you have their YouTube website, website, and social media sites, You have an array of ways to get in touch with them.

Find your way to be imaginative.

Channels can be used to find more Channels.

Finding just one YouTube account is the only thing you require to locate one million.

Go to the Related Channels area on YouTube to find more channels you can have your music included on.

Each genre has its network of channels on YouTube. Find the most channels you can!

Don’t think just of Music Channels.

The best aspect of the music channel is that they’re an excellent method to get your music heard.

The downside is that they receive hundreds of submissions each day, especially true for the larger channels.

You don’t have to worry about music channels, as they are not the only thing YouTube offers.

The best way to be exposed is by registering on YouTube channels that do not have anything to do with music. Everybody needs music to make videos more engaging. Additionally, they receive far fewer music-related submissions if they even get there is any. As a music creator, you must take advantage of this advantage.

A small illustration of the types of channels you can get exposure on can be…

Don’t restrict your ideas. Don’t limit yourself to what other music producers wouldn’t. Get your music to from places that they don’t.

Step 2. Use Social Media

Facebook, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat provide fantastic opportunities to meet diverse music and bloggers.


It’s also an excellent chance to earn yourself a bad name, especially in the music industry.

One of the most common mistakes that producers make is when they meet influencers, bloggers, or even other artists, and the first thing they request is to look at their song.

It’s like trying to connect with a woman before going on a date with her. In fact, before even speaking to her.

Create Relationships First

Everyone has their things going on, and they are always willing to discuss it.

One of the best ways to make use of to use social media is by creating conversations. Leave comments on blogs and songs these channels are sharing. Join in a conversation with them on Twitter regarding whatever they’re talking about. Leave them comments on the fantastic photos posted on Instagram.

Show Real Interest!

The key to this idea is becoming friends with the people you are friends with. It’s not a big deal when you ask a person for a favor. If you ask someone you don’t know to help, you will probably decline the request.

If your website or YouTube channel doesn’t offer other methods to send a message and you are required to submit a Facebook message or Instagram, there’s nothing wrong with it. All you need to know is that the probability of being featured goes up by ten times when you have established relationships with them.

+ Value

The best method of getting an account on any website or channel is to figure out an opportunity to offer them worth. It doesn’t mean giving them your favorite song for them to post.

We’ve done something for several channels back in the past created new cover images to promote their brand. We had already used Photoshop and realized that they weren’t using the best quality images. Why not assist them out. After creating these graphics, they uploaded every song on one of their YouTube channels.

Another couple of suggestions you can think of could be…

Value is undoubtedly one of the most effective methods to establish a rapport with anyone.

Step 3. The Perfect Submission

Okay, you’ve constructed your list to more than 1,000 blogs. (This should be the minimum)

You’ve already made contact with them via social media.

The time has come to choose the perfect hook!

The ideal message for submission should be personal. It should not just say “song submission” with a hyperlink attached.

Be aware that a natural person is behind the other end of that email. And to stand out from the thousands of emails they receive, You will need to create some emotional connection with them.


Making a blog list is among the essential items you need to have before releasing your song, particularly if you don’t have a substantial public following. With this method, we’ve established relationships with many different people, including the A&R to Warner Music!

This helped us gain more than 500k views in just five months. The music we released wasn’t the most popular. We could reach numerous different areas online. The total amount of plays was just a matter of.

Once you’ve finished reading this, start your schedule. Do it for at least 10 minutes every day. I can tell you for sure that your posts will be much more effective!

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