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Importance of Intro Video and How to Make It

Anything we use in our lives demands a background. We are always curious about how a particular thing came to exist. Similar is the case when it comes to a brand. As consumers, one would like to know more about a brand whose product they are using. That is where intro videos come in.

A brand’s intro video or introductory video provides more information about its origins, its motto, and ideology, what the consumers can expect from the brand, and a sneak peek into how it operates.

Intros for videos of a brand are a crucial aspect in gaining the consumer’s trust. These build connections between the brand and its consumers or clients.

In the following article, you will learn about the importance of intro videos for a brand and how to make one for your own.

Importance of Intro Video

Do you feel an urge to tell people how you have started the business and the motivation behind the brand?

The following section will convince you to make your brand’s intro video at the earliest. Here are some of the reasons why an introduction video of a brand is significant:

Therefore, you must make the video content so that it highlights the uniqueness of your brand. That takes us to discuss the features of a good intro video.

What to include in Intro videos?

This is a question that brands struggle to answer at first, but the answer is simple. Just be true to yourself and get creative at telling your story. Here are the components of a brand’s intro video:

There are essentially two ways to make an intro video.

  1. Editing a pre-existing template

Work with online templates available on various free or paid video-making software. There might be a slight difference between the features in the paid software and the free ones. However, with the right video-making skills, you can make a fascinating intro video using the free online software too. Here are some things you should keep in mind while working on a template:

  1. Workspace for editing the video
  2. Library with the templates
  3. Scenes to add various clips and scenes
  4. Timeline for determining the presence of the video

Pro tip: You can watch tutorial videos to familiarise yourself with these features.

  1. Starting from scratch

When you start making a video intro for your brand from scratch, you have the freedom to be as creative as you want. It caters to the exceptionality of the brand. When you are starting afresh, here are a few things that you must pay attention to:

This gives you the chance to be innovative and make attention-grabbing intro videos for your target audience.

How to make Intro Videos?

After understanding the concept of an intro video, it is time for you to know how do you make a video intro for your brand. Here are the steps that will help you in the process:


Overall, intro videos are an essential part of your branding process. The steps mentioned will help you make an exciting video intro for your brand. Remember, an intro video fundamentally weaves a story. All you need to do is be original and creative.