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Where Marble Rock is found and its resource

Marble Rock

You’ll see marble rock floors in places like the Pantheon, Buckingham Palace, and the Taj Mahal, which have been used for thousands of years as dimension stones in buildings and artworks. We are going to look at how Marble is formed and where it is found below in order to understand how valuable Marble is.

How marble is formed

Metamorphic rocks are those that have undergone a change, such as marble rock. Metamorphic rocks are formed by combining elements already found on the earth’s surface. A lava flow or the earth’s molten core is directly responsible for the formation of igneous rocks. Stones like limestone are composed of igneous rocks. The geological term marble refers to limestone or dolomite that has crystallized.

We will call the crystallized forms of a few other stones Marble, too, since they have the same veining and are polished to a high gloss like marble rock. Stonecutters started working with marble thousands of years ago, long before anyone knew the difference between magnesium silicate and calcium carbonate. 

Thousands of years ago, shells, coral, and algae collected on the seafloor and were compressed. This process can sometimes preserve the bones and shells of long-gone creatures. The result is sometimes you can still see fossils in your marble or tiles.

Composition of marble

Limestone and a variety of carbonate minerals are mixed together to form marble rock. In natural Marble, the beautiful patterns formed by the deposits of minerals that were present in the limestone before it was heated and pressurized as it was under extreme pressure in the earth’s crust are the main reason for its value. It was the minerals that formed veins and patterns when they were pressured differently than the stone.

How the color of marble rock formed

Marble usually conjures up images of milky white but there are other options, too! A variety of minerals and salts present in Marble rock results in natural colors that range from pure white to shimmering green; these different colors produce different chemical reactions. Black veins and gray shading are usually caused by carbon impurities, whereas green is linked to serpentine.

Source of marble

Marble is a symbol of luxury throughout the world, making it a symbol of so many cultures. About half the marble quarried in the world is quarried in four countries. These include Italy, China, India, and Spain. Nevertheless, marble rock is produced in many other countries as well.

Due to the unique set of circumstances involved in the formation of each seam of marble, marble rock from different quarries often differs dramatically. The appearance of Marble from the same seam can differ greatly depending on the types and quantities of minerals present. Marble has a natural patterning which makes each slab unique but this does mean that it can be difficult to match. To ensure sufficient materials are available for your whole project, make sure you order enough at once.

So, where is your perfect trader in marble?

Thousands of customers and trade partners come to clean and polish marble rock for our help in creating, delivering, and installing beautiful marble features for their homes and businesses.

Throughout the process, from initial inquiry to installation and aftercare, our professional staff is on hand to assist and provide marble polishing services.

There is a wide variety of different marble colors and styles you can choose from, which can be used in everything from bathrooms to kitchen worktops, marble rock staircases to stone flooring.

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