Business Water Suppliers
All businesses can now switch water suppliers. This gives you the chance to improve services, reduce water bills, and simplify administration. Take note that the water deregulation has allowed businesses to shop around for retail water services as well as wastewater services just like businesses buy energy.
But there is no change when it comes to wholesale water services, which is the infrastructure that suppliers water to your business premises and removes waste water and drainage. This is still under the control of the current water retailer. Remember that your business can save money by switching your commercial water supplier commerical water supplier. Some water providers have competitive rates and tariffs. This page discusses the strategies you should use before you switch business water suppliers.
Be prepared
Unless your water contract is quite simple, such as a single site, you have to begin specifying your arrangement so that you can prepare to visit the market to get water quotes. You also need to understand your water usage and current water contract. You can decide to audit your water usage and existing charges. Then collate accurate details of your business premises, volumes, and meters by organizing and cleansing the current data.
Check the Supply Point ID on the recent invoices. This refers to a reference number which the water supplier can use to identify your water supplies. You need to give the information of the water your business is using and where you are using it to start the process. Besides, you should also provide a letter of authority and copies of water bills.
While collating data, you need to make sure that underpayments and missing information or overpayments are corrected. This is crucial to ensure that any outstanding problems are resolved right away so that there is a smooth switch to a new water supplier. By validating your water bills, you can identify opportunities that may help you to claim historic overcharges. This can also lead to reduced ongoing costs for your business.
Look beyond the water tariff
Direct tariff cost savings can be modest, but you can still make significant cost savings through improved service levels. For instance, you can consolidate billing which is suitable for multi-site businesses. You can find many business water suppliers that provide consolidated water billings for multi-site customers across the country.
That said, with potential cost savings available and the chance of simplifying administration and other value added services, it makes sense to switch your water contract right away. You should remember that it can sometimes take a lot of time to prepare when you want to switch water suppliers. After all, you need to identify qualified water brokers, collate data, and many more to help you have a smooth switch. There is no point in delaying in the hope that you can find better water deals in the future. This is because your business needs to save money immediately considering that there are many things happening on the market including the energy market crisis which is affecting many businesses.