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Sweat Less, Work More: 6 Tips for Exercising In Summer

Exercising In Summer:

Summer means you have to endure lots of heat, sweat, and humidity. And exercising in this weather will take a toll on your body if you don’t keep yourself hydrated during the workout. You have to compensate for the water loss due to sweat by drinking a sufficient amount of water before and after exercising. 

Also, some people may not be interested in working outside as there will be more heat. So, if you wish to work out at home in the summer, then you have to find ways to get the most out of your workouts without draining your energy and sweat. 

At home, you can find a balcony or backyard and find a comfortable position to start your exercise routine. As summers are known for body heating, people find it too tired to start or continue exercising. However, with the following tips, we are sure that you will enjoy your workout sessions and feel rejuvenated to perform the daily chores actively without feeling tired always.

In summers, our body’s metabolism rate is high and you can digest the food easily. So the food you eat gets digested easily. It means by the time you start exercising, you won’t have the energy or food to complete the rigorous workout sessions. So, instead of pushing your body to its limits, it’s fine to ease your workout regime. For instance, if you walk 10km daily, cut it down to 8 or 5 km and stop the workout. Your body feels balanced between the exercising and the food intake and you will not feel overly tired even after exercising.

Early morning or late evenings are the best time to exercise during summer. If you’re an early riser, then do exercise as the first thing, and if you’re a night owl, you can do it before dinner. 

Always remember that doing exercise between 11 am to 4 pm is not the best idea as the sun is at its peak and you don’t want to subject your body to overheating. If you do work out at that time, your body has to work at its maximum to cool you down, which means it uses up the water in your body. In such cases, there are high chances of getting dehydrated and feeling faint. So, avoid exercising at that part of the day.

While exercising, wear light-coloured clothes that don’t absorb too much heat. Also, for men, it’s preferred to wear loose cotton t-shirts, for women, wear cotton sports bras and a gym dress, so that your clothes don’t interfere with your working out. Wearing dark and tight clothes feel only leads to more sweat and heat.

Water intake should be your top priority during summers especially if you work out daily. You should hydrate the body at least 30 min before the workout. And you should drink it after the workout when your body and heart have calmed down. And during the rest of the day, you should drink it whenever you feel thirsty. 

Overhydrating the body is also not good as it leads to low blood sodium levels. Hence, you should keep track of your water intake and drink excess during workout regimes. 

Never strain your body even though you feel like you should complete the entire workout session. Stop immediately if you are feeling dizzy, light-headed, and feeling shaky. Sit for some time and rejuvenate the body by taking plenty of healthy fluids. Take a break for a day or two and then you can again resume the workout sessions. 

During the summer season, it’s common for people to get heatstroke. It happens when your body is exposed to the harsh sun rays for a longer period. You should know about its symptoms which include high body temperature, no sweating, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, confusion, hallucinations, agitation, seizure, coma, and it can lead to death in untreated. 


It’s better if you keep your workout sessions at home rather than going out even if it’s during the early morning or evening. Know the tips for getting fit at home and you can do it by doing light exercises on hot sunny days. Following this light schedule will keep you active and energetic to do the daily chores for the rest of your day. 

Author Bio:

Hello everyone, I am Erika Rhein, a professional writer, and blogger. Here you can see my skill which gives you brief ideas on understanding all the concepts with different themes. I adore writing a blog on many topics, like Home Improvement, Automotive, Business, Health, Lifestyle, Entertainment, Pet, etc.