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Check Out How To Report A Fake Facebook Account

How To Report A FakeFacebook Account

Facebook has become one of the biggest social media platforms connecting billions of people worldwide. So, it’s entirely possible to have fake accounts. It’s time to know how to report a fake Facebook account if you see one. 

So, it’s possible that you are scrolling through your home page and suddenly come across a profile that you know is 100% fake. Generally, a fake account is an account where somebody pretends to be something or something that doesn’t exist. Moreover, there are also a few fake profiles out there that use the name and image of a real person. Of course, it’s a sort of crime and you wouldn’t want to tolerate something like that. 

If you see any fake account, then you should always report it to Facebook. Identity theft is a serious cybercrime and that’s why you must not hesitate to hit the report button. However, the question is, how to do that in the first place? Not all of us know how to use Facebook effectively, right? Well, don’t worry because that’s exactly why in this article we shall explain it to you.

How To Report A Fake Account On Facebook

In other words, here we will share everything that you need to know about reporting a fake Facebook account. So, if you are wondering how to report a fake Facebook account, then it’s time to check this article out.

Here Are The Ways To Report A Fake Facebook Profile 

Well, before we move on to the steps, there are a few things that we should mention to you first. If you are wondering how to report a fake Facebook account, then actually, there are two ways to do it. To simplify, you can do it on your computer as well as on your mobile phone. So, we will tell you the steps for both here. Now, without further ado, let’s take a look at the process of reporting a fake profile. 

How To Report A Fake Facebook Account Using Computer

If you see a fake profile where somebody is using the identity of somebody you know, then it’s time to hit that report button. Here are the steps to do it:

Well, this will most certainly take care of the problem. If a lot of people hit that report button then Facebook will take action against the account. That’s it for how to report a fake Facebook account using Computer. Now, let’s check out the mobile version. 

How To Report A Fake Facebook Profile Using Mobile App

If you are wondering how to report a fake Facebook account using the mobile app, then it’s pretty easy to do it. All you have to do is to follow the following steps.

If you follow the instructions, then you will successfully report a fake profile.


So, as we can see, it’s pretty easy to report a fake profile on Facebook. If you were looking for how to report a fake Facebook account, then hopefully the steps will help you out. 

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